Saturday, October 13, 2018

Recommended Book titles

Give yourself the edge. Explore book recommendations of great thinkers, entrepreneurs, pioneers and visionaries. [ Donald Trump, Pope Francis, Bill Gates, Barack Obama,Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King etc] Every Monday. we shall deliver inspired recommended book titles by world leaders into your email. .Pls. confirm your email if you are interested. +2348030485016
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“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.― Harry S. Truman

Give yourself the edge. Explore book recommendations of great thinkers, entrepreneurs, pioneers and visionaries. [ Donald Trump, Pope Francis, Bill Gates, Barack Obama,Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King etc] Every Monday. we shall deliver inspired recommended book titles by world leaders into your email. .Pls. confirm your email if you are interested. +2348030485016
logon to  for more details.

Give yourself the Edge.
Explore book recommendations of great thinkers,entrepreneurs,pioneers and visionaries

1] Bill Gates: Top 10 books to read, catlogue sent into your email for $20.

[2]   Pope Francis seven books titles that influence him ,, catlogue sent into your email for $14

 [3] Obama reads 7 books titles that made the President,, catlogue sent into your email for $14
[4]Best 8 leadership books titles  according to DonaldTrump,, catlogue sent into your email for $16
[5] Ten Top books titles to read according to Bill Clinton,, catlogue send into your email for $20
[6] 5 self-help books titles recommended by Oprah Winfrey,, catlogue sent into your email for $10

[7] Frank Worrall [Britain;s No.1sports biographer].
      12 books titles -
Anthony JOSHUA
Harry KING,
Gareth BALE

, catlogue sent into your email for $30
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Japhet Nkwocha 
6 Mission Road ,GRA Warri Delta state Nigeria +2348030485016


One of the richest men in the world recommends novels and a couple books on business. Here is his book list.
“Better Angels of Our Nature” by Steven Pinker 
During reddit's AMA Bill Gates said that “Better Angels of Our Nature” is his "favorite book of the last decade". He added that "it is long but profound look at the reduction in violence and discrimination over time"
- Bill Gates on reddit's AMA
Pinker is a Pulitzer finalist and a professor of psychology at Harvard, so when he writes about the decline of violence, it matters. He cites Biblical references, Grimm's fairy tales, and historical true stories about actual whipping boys meant to take lashes on behalf of royal princes. Full of statistics, and references to history and psychology, Pinker makes an argument against common sense: that our generations are more anti-violent on a moral basis than prior generations. Named a global thinker by Foreign Policy, and a top influencer by Time Magazine, his best books come highly recommended to those who need to wrestle with large concepts.
Image result for pope francis holding  BOOKS IN PICTURE
photo: Wikimedia
The leader of Catholic Church talks about the books that have been spiritually enriching for him.
Buy on amazon“The Spiritual Exercises” by St. Ignatius of Loyol 
This book was included in the collection of some of Pope Francis’ favorite books, called The Library of Pope Francis, as published by Corriere della Sera

To this day, the four weeks of meditation exercises and reflection are used by the Jesuit order, while Ignatian retreats incorporate the elements of reflection and decision-making that lead to spiritual renewal. Rather than dwelling on mystical or symbolic meaning in Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, these exercises are meant to bring the reader into a greater communion with their Lord so as to perfect their service rooted in joy. Ignatius’ own conversion story as a Basque aristocrat whose recovery from battle led to greater service of his Lord, is a compelling backdrop


Obama reads .Books that made the PRESIDENT.
The 44th President of the United States of America about the most significant books in his life.

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"Song of Solomon" by Toni Morrison

“Song of Solomon” ends up on many to-read book lists because of the author's 1993 Nobel Prize for literature, and because the book itself won the prestigious National Book Critics Fiction award in 1977. Somewhat like the James Joyce classic “Ulysses”, this book combines historical elements, free association, and unanswerable questions in the life of its main character. Beginning with a suicide and a black child's birth into a Michigan hospital, Morrison explores the complicated role of black family life, its heritage and its possible future. Though the poetic style remains the same as some of her other works, such as “Beloved” and “The Bluest Eye”, Morrison stretches herself in this novel by using a male perspective.

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Buy on amazon"Iacocca" by Lee Iacocca and William Novak 
Trump recommends you read this book in his book “Trump 101: The Way to Success”.

It may seem odd for an author to use his last name as the sole title for a book about himself, but that hasn't stopped Donald Trump from adding it to his recommended reading list for success. The book's success was instrumental in launching Lee's bid for presidency, according to CNN. In 1984 the New York Times reported the millionth copy printed after the book commandeered a weeks-long spot on its bestseller book list, and the book's popularity in Canada and Japan. Perhaps the memoir's popularity has to do with the rags-to-riches story of the former president of Ford who led Chrysler away from bankruptcy, the appeal of the Mustang, or the overwhelming confidence and creativity of the author, but it's worth reading just for a peek inside the Auto Wars.

What inspires Oprah Winfrey
The most influential woman in the world recommends books that shaped her personality

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Frank Worrall [Britain;s No.1sports biographer].is a Fleet Street journalist who has written regularly for The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Mail on Sunday, FourFourTwo magazine, Melody Maker/NME and many other newspapers and magazines. The subjects of his critically-acclaimed books include Gareth Bale, Roy Keane, Lewis Hamilton, Alex Ferguson and Rory McIlroy.

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      12 books titles catlogue -
Anthony JOSHUA
Harry KING,
Gareth BALE


Thursday, October 11, 2018

BookAlert into your inbox

BookAlert Inc

Give yourself the edge. Explore book recommendations of great thinkers, entrepreneurs, pioneers and visionaries. [ Donald Trump, Pope Francis, Bill Gates, Barack Obama,Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King etc] Every Monday. we shall deliver inspired recommended book titles by world leaders into your email. .Pls. confirm your email if you are interested. +2348030485016

“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.― Harry S. Truman

--------------When one of the richest, most powerful, or influential men in the world gives you advice, it would be stupid of you to ignore it. So when we prepare a list of the 10 books that Bill Gates thinks you should read, you’d better turn pages around like a stripper.
Obviously, when you finish reading, you will not start magically sticking bills out of your pockets. And yet, it is not bad to know the books that have contributed to forming one of the minds that in turn has helped define the world as we know it.And if what worried you is that I was recommending 10 computer manuals, quiet. Mr. Gates is not fond of them. However, he seems to be fascinated by the autobiographies of powerful men in the world of economy.BookAlert Inc subscribe to world leaders Recommended Book titles delivered into your email box everyMONDAY,ext your email to +2348030485016

Friday, June 29, 2018

see complimentary samples below

photo: Gage Skidmore(flickr)
Gutsy real estate developer. Reality television magnate. Best-selling author. Donald Trump recommends best books on leadership.

Buy on amazon"The Amateur" by Edward Klein 
- Donald Trump
Janet Maslin of the New York Times has called Klein's book “invective-laden”, while Donald Trump highly recommends that it be added to America's reading list. An editor for the New York Times for eleven years, Klein uses this experience as evidence of his journalistic integrity, as he relates stories surrounding Barack Obama's inexperience and inadequacy for the job of President. This controversial work covers 200 interviews, both on and off the record, and some of which have been denied as to authenticity. Fans of the President may not appreciate his policies being labeled as “boneheaded”, but critics of the President (such as Norman Podhoretz) are promoting this addition to their reading list as evidence of Obama's inability to lead America.


Pope Francis on books that influenced him

photo: Wikimedia
The leader of Catholic Church talks about the books that have been spiritually enriching for him

Buy on amazon“Lord of the World” by Robert Hugh Benson 
- Pope Francis during the discussion with the journalists
The title describes a play on words based on the Biblical notion that the ‘god of this age’ is an unforgiving deity whose primary enemy is Christ. The themes of one-world government and suppression of truth wouldn’t be out of place in a George Orwell novel of the end times, but the Catholic and apostasy element is more of a weird mixture between the Book of Revelation and The DaVinci Code. Also, there are surprisingly modern elements of near-instant communication, fast travel, and weapons of mass destruction.

Larry King favorite books

photo: CNN
Interviewer №1 about the books that he loves

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ri bng the sharks into the open.
Buy on amazon“One Summer: America, 1927” by Bill Bryson
Larry King on
1927 was a busy year, between the Atlantic flight of Charles Lindbergh, a great baseball season with Babe Ruth, and the strangled husband of a Queens Village housewife. Ruth Snyder later took up temporary residence in Sing Sing. However, politicians such as Calvin Coolidge seemed to take things easy, while others had to clean up from a disastrous flood in Mississippi. This era of Al Capone's sharp and illegal dealings and 'talking' pictures shares space with bankers' decisions in Long Island that brought on the Great Depression. If anything, Bryson's book proves that the former glory days had much of our current age's trouble and action.
Buy on amazon“How to Overthrow the Government” by Arianna Huffington 
"Every elected official should be forced to read it."
Larry King
Quoting sections of the Declaration of Independence, Huffington moves beyond political commentary toward encouraging a shift away from the status quo of a divided and ineffective government. Moral and political decay have become indistinguishable, and this President and Chief Editor of the Huffington Post urges citizens to restore power to a government that better reflects the wishes of the people – rather than the elite. Both campaign finance reform and civil disobedience are reviewed and detailed, with pointers toward existing groups of activists already engaged in anti-establishment work.


Buy on amazon"Song of Solomon" by Toni Morrison

“Song of Solomon” ends up on many to-read book lists because of the author's 1993 Nobel Prize for literature, and because the book itself won the prestigious National Book Critics Fiction award in 1977. Somewhat like the James Joyce classic “Ulysses”, this book combines historical elements, free association, and unanswerable questions in the life of its main character. Beginning with a suicide and a black child's birth into a Michigan hospital, Morrison explores the complicated role of black family life, its heritage and its possible future. Though the poetic style remains the same as some of her other works, such as “Beloved” and “The Bluest Eye”, Morrison stretches herself in this novel by using a male perspective.

Buy on amazon"The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene

While the main character in Graham Greene's novel “The Power and the Glory” hasn't lived the pure life of Jesus, his experiences while on the run in Mexico provide an eery similarity to his Lord's sufferings. The nameless priest shows quite human flaws, with a daughter from a past love affair and a current drinking problem, while the antagonistic lieutenant (an atheist) appears more as a reverse Javier from Les Miserables. Greene personally suffered his way through a two-month research tour in Mexico, according to John Updike's New York Times review in 1990, but the result still shows up on must-read book lists, from Oprah's book club to one of Barack Obama's favorite books.


Self-help books recommended by Oprah Winfrey

photo: Wikimedia
The most influential woman in the world recommends her favorite self-help books

Buy on amazon"The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" by Don Miguel Ruiz 

- Oprah Winfrey
Also recommended by Jack DorseyEllen DeGeneres
Four practices are all you need for a better life, insists Ruiz, and millions of readers have agreed with him. Seven years of being on the New York Times bestseller book list is quite an achievement, for a book describing just a few lifelong changes that need to be made: verbal integrity, questions without assumptions, a refusal to personalize, and making the best happen. As a surgeon with spiritual roots in the deep heart of Mexico, Ruiz weaves both practices in and out of this work. It has been promoted by Spiritually Fit Yoga and by Oprah, at the top of her favorites self-help books list.

Buy on amazon"The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
Also recommended by Pavel Durov
This Zen Buddhist work of philosophy has made quite an impression on a number of reading lists of famous celebrities, from Paris Hilton to Oprah Winfrey. As might be deduced from the title, Tolle promotes the perspective of living in the moment – but not in a shallow way. Styled as a spiritual teacher, Tolle goes beyond the practical necessity of living moment-to-moment, but says that the present is truly all that there is, and should be lived with intensity – because time is purely an illusion. The rejection of struggle by implementing mindfulness, and moving from inactive waiting to the integrity of action, are also intriguing themes.

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-Elon Musk
As a former naval architect and professor at Reading University, Gordon is more than qualified to explain the purpose of underlying structures – from chariot wheels to Chinese boats. Concepts of design are key to upholding or destroying powerful weapons, such as naval boats (like the H.M.S. Captain) and spaceships. A discussion on load-bearing is just as important here as a chapter on compression. It's not hard to understand why this was one of the best books of the required reading in military academies, from the United States to the former Soviet Union, and still in high demand today.

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- Martin Luther King Jr. in his autobiography
While some cynics label this seminal work as ‘a guy sitting by a pond thinking for two years’, many have found this essay of conscience a riveting exploration of government deriving its right to rule by the use of power rather than by either consent or by right. Many of a revolutionary mindset have taken to heart Thoreau’s suggestion that the United States government has become an unjust ruler by engaging in wars of aggression and the use of slavery, and that the way to an untroubled conscience is to avoid government’s inner workings.
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- from an article on
From the varied chapter titles (Slavery, the Social Compact, Law, Voting), it’s obvious that Rousseau is seeking to reform rather than appeal to the almighty and anarchical invidual found in a ‘state of nature’. Rather, Rousseau argues that it’s to everyone’s advantage if people allow for a certain amount of liberty to be exchanged for the sort of strength that is found in numbers that promote the common good. Laws must reflect the good of liberty and equality for all, while periodic assemblies will restrain the government’s thirst for complete domination; also, the state’s size ought to determine the application of monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy.

Top books to read according to Bill Clinton
photo: Mou-ikkai (flickr)
Top books to read according to one of the most influential politicians in the USA of the 21st century

Buy on amazon"The Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker
Bill Clinton has put this book on a list of the books that have been the most influential in his life (the list made by Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company).

Describing the earth as an immense burial mound or wasteland of fertilizer, Becker points out man's desire and inability to rise above the knowledge that he is mortal. Animals only have this knowledge momentarily, while humans must struggle with their abilities and inabilities along the road to the grave. Becker's favorite reading list includes authors such as Søren Kierkegaard and Otto Rank, whose ideas crop up frequently in Becker's assertion that the overwhelming reality of man's terror of death is often overcome by the fiction of religion, or the temporary distractions of life.
Buy on amazon"The Way of the World: From the Dawn of Civilizations to the Eve of the Twenty-first Century" by David Fromkin
Bill Clinton listed this book as one of his top choices in “Today” show on NBC.

The role of leaders pushing unremittingly for progress is one of the themes of Fromkin's work, which seeks to explore one of man's fundamental questions: where did we come from to get here? High school and college students needing to expand their reading lists may be attracted to the small size of the book, and those with an extensive book list of favorites may be attracted by the author's Pulitzer Prize nomination. In under 300 pages, Fromkin moves through the biggest highlights of the ancient and modern world, from Socrates to Copernicus to Thomas Edison, from an agricultural to an industrial society.

Elizabeth Holmes’ recommended reads

photo: a href="" rel="nofollow">Fortune Global Forum
Ambitious businesswoman and the CEO of Theranos recommends the books she is fascinated by
Buy on amazon“The Complete Story of Civilization” by Will Durant and Ariel Durant 
–from interview to
This eleven-volume set includes some rather forgotten eras of history, such as the ‘Age of Voltaire’ and the ‘Age of Napoleon’. The wedded pair of Nobel Prize-winning historians managed to work in many illustrations of women and domestic life, which is sometimes overlooked in historical accounts. The lively wording and primary source quotes put this set on the 1960’s Book of the Month club listings. While some readers complain that the section on Asia origins is rather thin, those in search of improving their grasp of Western Civilization should find this an insightful and entertaining read, especially if the readers enjoy puns.